Monday, December 31, 2018

Surprises and Grownup Presents

I like surprises and I like to think up presents that the receiver will really like without having them tell me what they want... but I'm kind of terrible at actually thinking up presents so that is a problem...
However, I had a couple of people tell me this Christmas that they are just as happy getting something they had asked specifically for as something thoughtful they hadn't thought about.
This year I got some exciting grownup presents I had asked for (aka jumper cables, and a mini flashlight. And that was pretty exciting. I also got a surprise grown up gift that I hadn't asked for (a 72 hr kit backpack) which I was also rather excited about. But I think one of my favorite presents this Christmas was the surprise kids present I got (a really cool Lego set from my brother).
And there in lies my dilemma. I like surprises! But I do appreciate things I will actually use too. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Playing the Game

So, I'm engaged and thus have had to start planning a wedding... or rather everything else...
One thing I've been struck by is how many things (bouquets, dresses, cake, reception decorations, pictures, etc) are really all about playing the game... As in I'm not sure I actually care about having a bouquet and yet I feel some obligation to do so. Most of this stuff I don't care about (I wasn't one of the girls that dreamed up and planned my wedding when I was 12) but I do care about the people that will be coming and I want to be able to make things for them convenient.... But even the reception seems a little sad to me, because all these people I care about are planning on coming and yet I probably won't have the time to actually spend with them...
I guess what I've realized the most though is even though I may think some of the things are silly and almost unnecessary I also have a desire to play by the rules... I might not be looking forward to the pictures and yet I'm planning on doing them (not the ones by myself though!). I think I want to play by the rules for a couple of reasons. First, there is a legitimate reason for a lot of it (aka receptions are not just for the couple but for the families). Second, I guess I don't really want to make some sort of rebel statement. I'd rather not rock the boat... 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Canada Comments*

This week I spent a few days in Canada doing dinosaur research.
First, I spent the stay in Drumheller. It reminded me quite a bit of another small dinosaur community in the middle of no where.... Namely Jensen Utah. They both are in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by flatlands with the occasional oil derrick (is that the right word?). Then the towns themselves are kind of podunk with lots and lots of random dinosaur statues in front of every business in town. Oh, and then they also both have beautiful, impressive dinosaur museums of course. I just think it is an interesting example of cultural convergent evolution.
Second, people in Canada really do say "eh" a lot.
Third, I was really impressed by the museum there, particularly in the way they melded art and science. In several exhibits they only had partial dinosaur (or other fossil) skeletons and they completed it with an artistic sculpture to dive you an idea of the whole while still preserving the magnificence of the original specimen. Plus, there exhibits in general were just very visually appealing. I love it when art and science work together.

*This should actually be something like Comments on some random things I noticed while on a trip to Canada... but it just doesn't have the same ring to it...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Conversation Mediums

When I was in high school instant messaging was kind of a big deal, and I remember thinking that it would be fascinating to have a poem or short story written in that medium. I'm sure people have done it now (in a texting medium) but I guess I just think it is interesting how different mediums change conversation.
In person there is generally the communicators share short statements back and forth.
In written word there are long paragraphs sometimes with multiple questions all on one side and then all on the other.
In text or other instant messaging formats it seems like there can be both although generally not really long paragraphs, but there can also be a third variation that I am often intrigued by. It is when there are several conversations going simultaneously but with the same person. Unfortunately, I don't have a  good example of it but I shall make a fake one.

M: How was work today?
M: Do you have any extra eggs?
K: It was pretty good but really busy.
K: Yeah, how many do you need.
M: Why was it busy?
K: Oh it was because they had a big group come in. How was your work?
M: 3. What are you making?
M: Mine was a headache.
K: Sweet Can I come over and get them?
M:Yeah see you in a bit

The words in blue are all one conversation.
Multiconversations like this are kind of unusual I think and I'm a lot more likely to have them with certain people, but I just find it interesting that the medium as well as the person can affect the type of conversation you have.