Sunday, June 8, 2014


I heard once that three different things can make a place sacred. The Spirit, Blood or Sweat or at least that is what I remember. I think sacrifice should fit in there somewhere. The Spirit meaning spiritual or holy experiences, blood meaning death, and sweat meaning hard work.
Nauvoo is an amazing place because it is sacred for all three reasons. It is a place where thousands of Latter Day Saint converts sought refuge from mobs, and then many died from malaria. Under the direction of the latter day prophet Joseph Smith a modern temple was built with great sacrifice. There angels visited, and in this city modern revelation was received.

For all these reasons Nauvoo is a sacred place. There are some places (and times) that are sacred for only one of these reasons. Churches for spirit. Cemeteries for blood. School for sweat. But when they all come together in one place and time it makes it all the more powerful.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I am spending June in historic Nauvoo! I have already spent almost a week here. In the evenings I have spent some of my time walking about and have seen more wildlife than I have seen for some time and was kind of excited.
2 Skunks
Tons of Canada Geese and Sparrows and Red-winged Blackbirds. Which I love!
Lots of Robins
A nest of Baby birds
2 White Tailed Deer
Cute little Bunny Rabbits
A mother turtle laying her Eggs (really close to our house)
And for domesticated I have seen quite a few horses and a barn cat.