Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nerdy Inside Jokes

This week I was hanging out with paleontologists and they were making some paleontology jokes and I realized how much I enjoy intelligent "inside" jokes.
Being part of a specialized field or group provides opportunities for specialized often situational jokes... I would tell some but situational jokes just don't work well without the long description and then they are hardly funny. I have enjoyed this kind of joke with archaeologists, paleontologists, family members and other Mormons.
I wondered for a bit if the satisfaction came because they are inside jokes. I understand them, but not everyone would.... and that might be part of it. However, I usually feel uncomfortable around inside jokes when people who aren't in on it are around. Plus, this kind of joke is even more satisfying when everyone present does understand it.
So if the satisfaction doesn't come from a feeling of superiority (I'm hoping it doesn't) where does it come from?
The type of joke I'm talking about requires an in depth knowledge of some subject (church history, an obscure computer game, bones, rocks, etc). Thus, there is a level of accomplishment that comes from knowing I worked hard to understand the science or facts behind the joke. Perhaps the shared laughter is even an acknowledgment of shared accomplishment.

By the way, the picture is one I took in Korea at a children's park (part of a zoo). The way the T-rex is popping out of the volcano... or maybe he is spewing lava from his mouth, makes me laugh every time. It's not quite the type of joke I talk about here but its getting there.

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