Sunday, August 30, 2015


Not long ago I had a friend tell me something that I wasn't positive I understood.
She said that on days when she mostly worked by herself than she had a harder time making the effort of being social in the evening (or whenever) but on days that she worked with people all day long it was easier to be social at night too.
For the last couple of years I have, for the most part, spent all my time by myself or only with a small group of unvarying people (mostly family). Sometimes when I was by myself for inordinate amounts of time than I was more eager for conversation than ever.
I moved to an apartment this week and have been surrounded by strangers, and what my friend said suddenly made more sense. When I have been unsocial all day it is far more difficult to put forth the effort into being social, but I think the reason I didn't understand before is because it wasn't really that much of an effort to be social with my family. That's not nearly as hard as trying to be social with strangers. Which really isn't surprising but I guess I just hadn't thought about it before.

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