Sunday, August 16, 2015

Popular Science

I went to the grocery store the other day and I was absolutely disgusted by one of the magazines by the checkout, but probably not for the regular reasons.
It was the magazine called Popular Science and the front page article was entitled "100 Things Science Got Wrong" and one of the things they were to discuss was "The Piltdown Man." Now just to get it straight I didn't read the article, I didn't open the magazine. I have no idea what it said or didn't say, but this is why it bugged me.

  1. It just sounds like clickbait.
  2. If a magazine is called Popular Science I would assume it is geared to those who may not know the lingo of professional scientists but still find their findings fascinating. Thus, by having a title that is negative about science seems like it would either annoy their target audience or at least make them have less faith in science (and thus less likely to continue to be interested in science).
  3. The thing about science, at least in my understanding, is that science is made up of guesses and assumptions (hypotheses) that are disproved. That's the whole goal. So to say that "science got it wrong" is actually like "yeah, that's what science is--asking questions to find out what you're getting wrong." It's part of the process.
  4. Why do you rarely, if ever see an article like "100 things intuitive knowledge gets wrong" or "100 things Old Wives Tales Gets wrong?" Because they actually do get things wrong, and it's not part of the process.
  5. Now for the Piltdown Man reference. The Piltdown Man was some human skull fragments that someone with very questionable ethics gathered up with some ape mandibles or something and then proceeded to pretend to find together. Thus they "found the missing link" between humans and apes. For a while scientists thought that they really had found the missing link and were rather confused about the whole thing. But it turns out someone was just a liar. It's not science that was wrong it was the liar. Yes, maybe scientists should have been able to distinguish the fake but it doesn't mean the hoax was their fault when they didn't.

Alright I hope that didn't sound like too much of a rant, it wasn't really meant to be.

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