Sunday, May 3, 2015


I have been going through my pictures recently and writing on them and I noticed how often I have pictures of footprints. I think I like them for the same reason I like bones. They are something left behind by a living creature that tells something about them. It's like solving a mystery, or seeing the past in front of you. That 's why I like archaeology too. So here are some examples I have. Lots of pictures! 
My handprints along with my niece and nephews (they are obviously getting too big because you can't tell a difference in size) in sand.
Hoof prints. Probably moose, deer or cattle in mud.
Geese and duck prints on ice and snow.
Geese and duck prints on snow. These are the most subtle.
Two deer hoofprints at different times. 

A pheasant taking off in snow.
Bear prints in mud.
Raccoon prints in mud.

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