Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dirty Dishcloths and Pangolins

I went to Girl's Camp when I was fifteen or so. I had great leaders. One of them was a woman in probably her mid-forties. She had short hair, was very capable but a little quieter than some. She told us never to take on-line quizzes because she had once gone on a yarn website looking at colors. there was an online quiz on the website to tell you which color of yarn you were. After taking the quiz the result came through. It declared her "dirty dishcloth off-white." (Or something close to that). She was understandably offended. Who even has that color?
Despite her advice every so often I have taken online quizzes. This week, for Earth-day google had a quiz about which animal you are with 12 options. I got pangolin (as did my brother) -I know when to curl up to protect myself from predators. It's like they had read my post about Curling or something.  My dad got Mammoth because he was so unique he is practically extinct, and my mom got Honey Bee.
When I was sorted into my House on Pottermore (and pretty much haven't used that obnoxious site since) I was sorted into Ravenclaw, which I think is pretty fitting.
I guess I just find online quizzes fascinating at times. Sometimes they are completely off (my leader did Not deserve to be labeled "dirty dishcloth off-white.") But other times they really do seem to hold a fragment of truth. Or maybe they are just like astrology things or which zodiac animal you are (Dragon, by the way) where they are so broad or easy to interpret as you wish that you can choose to see the truth in them. Anyway. I find them mildly entertaining. I will now curl up and roll off.

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