Sunday, February 22, 2015

Of Pencils and Responsibility

I lost my pencil this morning.
But it will hopefully still turn up.
In school I remember quite often letting people borrow a pencil or pen, but I almost never let them actually use the pen or pencil that I always used. I kept backup ones, and those are the ones I lent out.
I have had the pencil I lost this morning since my junior year of college (I think). I lost my previous pencil down a crevice between a bolted in couch and a wall outside my History of Clothing class. I was very sad when I lost that pencil because it was one I had used every day on my mission.
The point, I suppose, is that some people see things like pencils or folders as completely dispensable. I am a little bit more possessive about such things.
Speaking of folders, I got really upset in my sophmore year of high school when an acquaintance stabbed my English folder with his pencil and left a hole in it. But don't worry I was still using it my senior year of college.
Both the pencils in question happen to be mechanical, and the folder was plastic, so they are pretty good quality. I still think my protection of them has more to do with using them up until they aren't useful anymore than actual any sentimental value. Plus, I personally see it as responsible not to be losing your pencil all the time.
So is that enough about pencils?
My high school and college folders. Typically green was science, blue english (yes the one mentioned), and purple was miscellaneous.
I didn't do a picture of my pencil... because it's lost.


  1. Your statement that you "personally see it as responsible not to be losing your pencil all the time" made me laugh. I went on a creative writing study abroad and I didn't even PACK a pencil (or a writing utensil of any kind). Technically that means I didn't lose a pencil either, but I am currently feeling very irresponsible about the whole thing.

  2. Opps... I wasn't trying to make anyone feel guilty but that is kind of funny.
