Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Binary Continuum ('cause that makes sense)

So as you may have noticed after reading some of my other posts (here, and here) I find dichotomies/opposites fascinating or at least compelling. But this week I thought of them a little differently.
Here is what I was thinking. I am a very liberal person. . . until I'm conservative. I am self-confident... until I'm not. I'm reserved... until I'm loud. I'm an introvert... until I act extroverted.
Instead of a continuum it seems more like binary. It is either 0 or 1. Nothing in between.
But perhaps instead of thinking it has to be a continuum OR binary maybe it can be both. Perhaps we are all composites. Instead of either being an introvert or an extrovert, a liberal or a conservative we are generally at point A on a continuum between those two points. We are there at point A for situations one through four, but for situations five through six we are at point B on that same continuum. Even if point A and point B are not even all that close.

And I think that is ok, good even. Different situations require different reactions. After all "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just so you know. I'm not a quote person... until I am.

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