Sunday, February 3, 2019

Changing Importance

The other day I was looking for some messages on facebook and came across one someone sent to me 4 years ago and I had never seen it. (I have used facebook in the last 4 years but they weren't a friend so it never notified me... I feel like facebook could handle that better but that's another subject).
It was a woman who lives in my grandmother's house and she asked if I was the same Rebecca Esplin who hid messages in my grandmother's yard. Despite the message being 4 years old I responded with an excited yes, and we have chatted a bit about how her kids have had such fun finding a few of the messages. What is funny is that I don't think I have thought about those secret notes/treasure hunts we did as a family for a long time. As a kid I remember writing about them for school assignments and telling people about it when talking about our vacations. Hiding and finding those notes was one of the highlights of my childhood and yet now it isn't something that I even think about very often.
I guess it's just interesting how something so important at one point in your life just becomes a fond memory at other points in your life. The same is true for people. There are people from my childhood that were really important for awhile and now i have no interaction with them at all except for fond memories.

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