"I'm allergic to boring."
The words, half-bragging, half-joke, made me think. They were probably written flippantly, just trying to portray that the speaker liked adventure, fun, entertainment. But as usual, I think too much. What sort of things are boring? Laundry. Washing dishes. Babysitting (unless it's stressful or a disaster). Data entry. Work. Digging. Reading assignments. School. Church. All of these things can be boring (not always but sometimes). Much of living a successful life is living through boredom (or perhaps finding the joy in little things so that life doesn't become boring. Even when you can find the joy in little things I still think that much of life can be kind of boring so it's important to learn to live with it. So if you are allergic to boredom, well maybe you should build up your immunity or something, because you aren't going to get far if you can't handle any.
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