Sunday, November 19, 2017

Top of the Ladder

I'm at the top of a ladder again.
Started out small, not knowing much, not comfortable with the people I was surrounded by, don't quite know what's going on and then I climb the ladder and I'm comfortable. I talk back. I know people. I like them. I'm friendly with the newbies so I tell him how it works.
It happened in elementary, middle, and high school. It happened on my mission, and in Nauvoo, it happened in wards and it happened as as undergrad but I always forget when I'm at the bottom of the ladder how much I like about being at the top. And yet, I kind of hate it too because when I'm at the top of the ladder it means I have to get off/jump off/climb off/fall off. And looking around to jump is really pretty miserable.
So even though the bottom isn't near as much fun as the top, I'm not worried about jumping off because I'm just making sure the rung I'm on is above water.... and at the top maybe the fun and comfortableness of it somehow balances out the lack of another rung to climb on?

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