Sunday, June 19, 2016

Productivity v. Sociality

I apologize before I even start. This will be another dichotomy with a solution that ends up predictably somewhere in between.... like what always (for moderate values of always) happens.
Lately I have really bonded with a couple of my roommates and we have spent a lot of talking. Sometimes when one of us needs to discuss something and sometimes just because it is fun. As a result of this I have not worked on some of my projects as much as I would have liked. However, this weekend they were both gone and I spent the majority of the time reading (delicious) and writing or doing other projects. It was excellent, and reminded me of the summer before returning to grad school. Very productive but low on sociality, the opposite of the past couple of weeks lots of sociality not much productivity. Both are good, and I enjoy both but what I seem to be bad at is having a balance between them, at least in the short term. I feel like I can go whole months with one or the other and I start missing the other but don't quite know how to make the other happen, either because there are too many people around and I can't tell them no, or because there are no people around and I can't seem to find them. I guess its not all bad to have a "time and season" for everything, or in other words be balanced in the long term if not the short term, but it certainly seems better to be more balanced all the time... I just don't know how to make that happen.

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