I've heard people talk about how wearing those tight pants makes you look good, shows off your figure, etc. I feel like the same arguments were made when I was in high school about a completely different fashion. Also, because of that class I took, it seems as if it has always been that way. Personally I've always liked pants to go over the top of boots not tucked inside them. Now my question is, do I like that look better because when I was developing what little fashion sense I have that was the fashion or is there some other reason.
It just all seems so arbitrary, and it makes me wonder why you should even bother because it will never last. Once I heard a quote that said something like "Fads come and go but you can always be classy."
Hey Becca! One of my favorite classes in college was Historic Costume, B took my book for her illustrations, but it's amazing how many styles just rotate in a cycle through the years - and it opens your eyes to look at fashion through a different lens! Have fun, D