Sunday, June 28, 2015


I saw that some of my nieces and nephews were enjoying some of the movies on my brothers blog so I thought I could try that out.... they probably won't be as cute but someone still might enjoy them.

Some of us went to a show put on by the BYU Ballroom Dance Company. This was part of the best number featuring Link and Zelda as well as various other computer game characters.
Maggots swarming over trash bags of dead mayflies (they smell like dead fish). Hopefully this doesn't gross anyone out too much.

Here is a much nicer video. It was such a cute little bunny outside in the parking lot this morning.


  1. Replies
    1. There was so many that they had to shovel up the mayflies near the outside lights. Gross huh. And we are expecting another hatching.

  2. Jenika- " I want to be a bunny."
    Chris- "Why are there bags of dead mayflies?"
