Sunday, November 25, 2018

Day of Giving Thanks

This week was Thanksgiving. I celebrated by eating food with friends and family but sometimes I miss doing the projects that I did as a kid where I listed things I was thankful as so I thought I would here instead.
my parents
my siblings
my boyfriend
cousins I'm close to
friends from growing up
geology friends
mission friends
Nauvoo friends
church friends
leaders, past and present
God and the godhead
my body
my apartment
my childhood
agency (even though decisions stress me out)
fun books
children's books
educational opportunities I've had
the internet
my health
rain on my head
plants and mountains
building things
my car named Gent
nature in general
my stuffed animals
baby animals because they are cute
fresh peas
sharp cheese
paper clips

I think I could keep going but it was fun to think about it a bit.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

What does Automation get us?

In high school I did a research paper about the early astronauts. One of the things that I found interesting was that the astronauts (pretty much all former test pilots) had to fight the administration types so that they could actually fly the space craft. Much of it was still automated but without fighting for it probably all of it would have been.* They wanted the opportunity and the thrill of driving these spacecraft for themselves.
Lately there has been a lot of talk (and some testing) of automated vehicles. Then we don't have to drive!
I don't know much about automated cars or the implications of such things but it has made me think. First, why is it that things one group of people fights for is then readily given up by another group. (And I'm no different... I didn't make much of an effort to vote this year).
Second, in our effort to delegate everyday chores to machinery I wonder what we lose in other ways.... In the past women gathered to wash clothes together and men gathered to work the fields, especially in harvest. Automation of much of these tasks has cut out on this community.
Potentially, automated cars could give us more time to do other things while being transferred about, like reading or playing games on our phones (at least that is what I did when I took the bus regularly). Which honestly doesn't sound that productive/healthy. Sometimes I wonder if in all our getting we don't get understanding.... we just make more time for recreation... which isn't always a good thing.

*From what I remember this was more for the early orbiting missions rather than for the landing on the moon and docking missions later. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Media Emotional Manipulation*

I watched a suspenseful movie last night with some friends, it was not my first choice but I was trying to be a team player, but it got me thinking about why there are some movies, including suspenseful ones, that really bug me. The reason why I don't like them is because I feel like the movie makers are trying to manipulate my emotions to feel something very specific aka fear, surprise, etc by doing certain things with the filming and music etc.
After thinking about that though, I noticed a flaw in my logic. All movies (and media) pretty much want to manipulate our emotions. They are telling us a story and want us to feel certain things while we watch them, so why does it bother me so much in certain types of movies? I mean one of my favorite scenes** from the LoTR is the one where Pippin sings to Denethor while Faramir is fighting the orcs. The music in that scene is evocative and my emotions fall in line with what I think was intended, disgust at Denethor, and sadness at the futile nobility of Faramir's obedience. But that manipulation doesn't bother me, in fact I am impressed by it. Thus, I decided that what bothers me is that it is trying to inspire emotions that I don't want, namely fear, and so I can't enjoy the movie. Instead I spend my time finding plot holes so that I never become invested and they can't make me care.
So, in conclusion, it's not the manipulation of emotions that I object to, but the emotions they are trying to create.

*Say that 5 times fast.
**Note this scene portrays Denethor accurately but the way in which they trashed Faramir's character is disgraceful!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Halloween Creativity

I've decided that I really like Halloween! I like it because I love seeing the creativity it brings out in people. I feel like the two main activities associated with Halloween are carving pumpkins and dressing up and both of those are very creative activities, both in coming up with ideas and also in the execution of it (either the carving of the pumpkin or the creating of the costume). I think it's fun to do it myself (ok, I haven't gotten into the creating of costumes) but I also just really enjoy looking at other people's creativity on display. I feel like Halloween might be the most overall creative of the holidays and that's fun.
So I hope that even if you didn't dress up or carve a pumpkin you were able to appreciate someone else's creativity.
(Also I apologize that I don't have any pictures.... I didn't take a picture of my protoceratops pumpkin...)

Spending Time

Recently I visited with a friend from my Nauvoo digs and we relived our time there. There was three of us who were pretty much inseparable. For a month and a half we worked long days in hot humidity and then in the evenings and on our off days we would play together.
Several years ago I drove from Washington DC to Utah with my sister and her four children. On the last night when we had arrived at our parent's home at 1 or 2 in the morning after spending 4 days in a car together we still couldn't seem to stop talking. There was always just one more thing to say.
These experiences and others like them are memories and relationships to be treasured because they are relatively rare. But it also makes me remember that there isn't just one type of person that I can be really good friends with and there is more people out there then I think sometimes that I do like to spend time with.