One thing I've been thinking about lately is why I choose or don't choose to do certain things.
A simple example is getting out of bed. I wake up, look at the time and it's a reasonable time to get up and I roll back over and go back to sleep.
But here are two possible thought paths. 1) I don't feel like getting up. 2)I was up late, and I don't have anything I need to get to at a specific time this morning.
The first option is straight up lazy, while the second is a legitimate, and maybe even health conscious, reason to stay in bed.
I've noticed that I often make decisions based on fear or laziness (mostly those two but there are other negative emotions that I'm sure could be included). And I've decided that I really would rather not. So lately, I've tried to gauge the why of my decisions. Am I doing (or not doing) something out of fear or laziness or is their a legitimate reason why. Sometimes the outcome may end up the same but I don't want to live a life directed by negative emotions.
Unfortunately the motivation I'm not sure I can overcome is that of habit, because sometimes I do things just because that is always how I do it and it doesn't occur to me to do it differently.